Friday, February 13, 2009

9 down...3 to go.

Well another treatment done and great news from the CT scans. The doctor said that all of my lymph nodes in my neck, chest and abdomen that had been affected are back to normal size now!! This horible crap they have been pumping into me really works. I still have to continue with the last three treatments and a couple weeks of radiation but at least I know the end is in sight and that things are going according to plan. Just need to keep a positive attitude and get throught the last stages of treatment. Sarah and I are still on the house hunt and hopefully we will find something perfect in the near future. I have a lot going on right now but I guess it's good to keep busy. Hope everyone is healthy and safe.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

8 down......

8 down, 4 to's beginning to be pretty taxing on me physically and mentally but I'm getting there. Tommorrow I get a CT scan though and I'm looking forward to some very good results. There must be nothing left!!! I need to be over this and move on with life. I'll post later, probably next week when I get the results. Not really much else to talk about....same old same old. It's snowing again.