Monday, May 4, 2009

Radiation .....Week 2

Well my pulmonary functions test came back normal with no apparent lung problems at all. Oh and all of my scans were "clean" other words no more cancer!!! The radiotherapy is a "mop-up" for the large mass I had in my chest.

A lot has happened since the last post. Most notably Sarah and I moved into our house and I started radiation therapy. The move went very well and we've been in for a week now. We love it. It's such a nice house and a great feeling to own it. We're having a lot of fun already.

I'm already bitching about the lawn though :) The previous owner apparently had a company come and "treat" it at one point and I think thats why the grass grows so fast and thick. It's not like any grass I've ever seen before. Thick and dense like some sort of carpet. Oh well....I'll tame it somehow I guess.

This is my second week of radiotherapy also. It's actually pretty quick and painless. In and out in about 10 minutes. No side effects yet.....I think. I'm pretty tired today but I'm hoping thats from a busy weekend. We'll see how it goes. 14 treatments left........every weekday is kind of annoying but at least it'll be over quick.