Friday, October 24, 2008

The day after.

Well everything seemed to be going pretty well yesterday other than being really tired. Not sure if it is from the ABVD or Zofran (anti-nausea medication taken every 8 hours) or both. I didn't really start to feel sick until about 9 or 10 last night. The nausea wasn't real bad but just a little annoying. The worst part of it all was that I couldn't sleep. My brain just wouldn't slow down all night so I got up and watched t.v for a while and was able to fall asleep. However I woke up when Sarah used the bathroom and then I couldn't go back to sleep again until about 4 a.m. The culprit of the insomnia I believe is the decadron (?), which is a steroid they gave me to prevent nausea. I hope I don't have any more issues with insomnia. Needless to say I am not going into work today. Just gonna take it easy and recuperate. Fortunately the nausea is not around right now.


pirouette said...

Thinking of you...
Charles and I are going to find a time to call this weekend and we'll talk Hoxy Red Clover and Vegan diets :)

Anonymous said...

Even the road is not easy to go, but I am quite confident that you can get over all the difficulties and will win the battle at last!

Looking forward to meet you in Hong Kong after your recovery!
